Soledad sonora
Keyboard music from the spanish Siglo de Oro

works by Antonio de Cabezón, Tomás de Santa María and Joan Magrané Figuera





To listen:

“[…] the talent of this young performer is completely unquestionable. ”

“[…] carefully selected compositions in which the virtuosity and the elegance, in addition to a temperance and a great and expressive refinement, coexist in interpretations full of color and a clarity of articulation, which suits perfectly with the particularities of the works.”

Lluís Trullén, Revista Musical Catalana


” […]It is satisfying to find an album like this one that presents a repertoire that focuses on Spanish music of the Golden Age read with the gentle voices of the harpsichord and the clavichord. Both instruments, in the hands of Jesús Noguera Guillén, offer us the wonderful palette of sound nuances and affects of which they are capable. In this recording, Jesús displays a very refined interpretative technique to which he combines a profound knowledge of the repertoire. Listening to him transports us to a delicious sound universe, magnificently balanced and full of special moments like the ones he gives us in his reading of the Diferencias sobre el villancico de « quien te me enojó, Isabel » or the Diferencias sobre la Pavana italiana, both by Antonio de Cabezón. A really rewarding experience. […]”

Manuel López-Benito, Clásica 2